Remember Occupy WallStreet, the amorphous activist blob which grabbed headlines years ago but changed absolutely nothing? They had a really good slogan: “We are the...
Narcissistic conspiracy theorists can (but not necessarily do) appear charismatic and charming. But this is only a facade. There are a number of warning signs...
Apparently we live in an age of activists. “Activist” in most cases means “unemployed” or “still in school/university” or at least “unsuccessful and unwilling to...
Domination is a science. Rulers successfully use various techniques on a scientific level to enforce their interests against the interests of the ruled. If the...
Dogmas of all kinds, whether political or religious or other dogmas, give people the deceptive feeling of certainty, control, security, identity and specialness. If one... Gillette even apologizes for its own commercials of the past which just showed accomplished men. The new controversial ad shows the boys that will...
What exactly is toxic masculinity? From a new study to Gilette commercials or SJW-Star Wars where the popular male characters are killed off and disposed...
In our society prominent people and political ideologues are usually physically far removed from us, but can reach us through television, the Internet or other...
Whether mainstream political party, Antifa, white power, radical libertarians, SJW, militant feminism or the alt.right, countless groups aggressively recruit new members and demand your time, your...
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